Saturday, February 18, 2012

Only if I

The other day I attended of my son's basketball games.  I was surprised to see that they were playing at a level more advanced than expected.  I have just been to many soccer games where the kids form an ameba shape with the ball in the middle or T-ball where every kids runs toward the ball.  It is nice to see them demonstrate some command of the game and focus on positions and spacing.  It also got me wishing:

Only if I could carve out the time or figure out how to part from certain obligations I would coach or help coach my kids sports teams.  I very thanks and both disappointed that I my kids are having to learn basketball and baseball from other people.  I feel that I would be a good coach and be able to contribute to the game.

Only if I had a little more energy I would run a little further.  Today I managed to get in 3 miles.  For a long distant runner those are very short maintenance runs.  Seems like ever since November 2011 I have had more difficulty finding the time or at least dedicating the time to running.  I am definitely not in running shape right now.

Only if I took more time off from work, I wouldn't be maxed out.  Based on my tenure I can accumulate 200 hours of vacation time.  Some how I have managed to do that so unless I take a day off, I just stop accruing.  That would suck!  Not only am I paid salary which really means free overtime to the company, I am losing out on precious vacation time.

Only if I had the desire to get out in the yard I would fix a fence post that I have tied to a stake.  I also need to fertilize the yard as it has been warm and the grass is quite yellow.  As much as I am not a huge fan of rain, we need it!  During those two years of walking in suits in the Spanish rain have jaded me a bit.

Only if I could be more disciplined in my diet I could lose those 15 pounds.  I know that combining this with a little more running it is possible.

What's on your "Only if" list?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Not unplugged

As you can imagine, a forty minute commute on any given day provides plenty of pondering time. I often find myself listening to podcasts from individuals much wiser than myself or books on CD.

Recently I have found myself suffering from time management. Sure, I could blame it on work, church assignments, four kids, my wife or even the dog. Unfortunately blaming doesn't solve the problem. It never gave me back more time.

I've recently read or heard a few stories about people making personal changes, which are really a page out of good, better, best decision making. Some are choosing to get financial affairs in order by living on what they currently possess. This is a radical and quick tug on the emergency brake. Others are choosing to go unplugged.

Others have found the strength to turn off smartphones, deactivate Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and email folks telling them, "see ya in 30 days". I'm sure it's hard to change and "going cold turkey" doesn't always yield the desired results. Any known or denied addition is hard to break.

So the other day I deactivated my Facebook account. I was surprised to see within twenty-four hours that someone was trying to use that medium to contact me. Maybe it does serve some purpose even though I was contacted via text later.

One thing I did realize was I didn't miss it much. Maybe Mr. Zuckernaire is living the dream, but I think it is at an unrealized social cost. Computers were designed to make us more productive, which in general they do. We just need to be careful that with opposition in all things, we don't diminish our true capacity for managing our time on things that matter most.